My body isn't a trash can, so why am I feeding it trash?

It's no secret that after having Isabella nearly 8 weeks ago somethings have changed...and some are not to my liking.  These changes include very obvious  physical changes as well as not-so easily seen changes to my perspectives on things as well as emotional changes.  

One of these "perspective changes" that I have recently come to think more on the importance of, is what I am feeing my body.  Sergio and I for the most part eat rather healthy, but whenever we don't--we really don't.  I have been seeing other people I know "going green", eating "organically", and/or "juicing" or drastically changing their diets. 

With the birth of Isabella, I now am repsonsible for another person's life--she counts on me and I need to be here for her in all aspects--emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  Yes, I want and NEED to lose this (not wanted) post-pregnancy weight, but that's not even the main factor as it would have been in the past.  Being healthy, energetic, and a good example to my daughter IS my motivation.  SO, with that being said, Sergio and I are going to try and began making some pretty drastic lifestyle changes.

Our Goals: Short & Sweet
1. More active lifestyle (exercise often, exercise some together)
2. Eat mostly organic and naturally grown foods.  (Stay away from processed foods)

Will let you know how it goes! :)

Thanks for reading!


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