I am but a Ghost

I am but a ghost.

A transparent, shadowy version of who I use to be.

I look into the mirror but find no reflection there.

I slip through crowds of people, and they don't notice me, they're busy smiling, laughing and living their "untouched by trauma" lives.

My heart feels hollow-void of feeling and life-I suppose that's normal, considering it's dead.

I darken the mood everywhere I go, people don't even realize it's me that brings the change, but they feel the ghostly presence that pours sadness into the atmosphere like ice-water into a warm, relaxing bath.  They shudder, look over their shoulder and then try to brush off the feeling in order to continue on.

No body likes ghosts.

My life has now been divided into two moments--before and after-- and my ghost floats back and forth between the two.



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