The Good Within Me


They surround us.

They stealthily wrap their tentacles around us as we accept them and they begin to taunt us, torture us, and torment us.

Some of the roots of these lies have truth, others couldn't be further from the truth.

The tentacles of these lies that we accept, wrap tighter and tighter around us.  They cut off our circulation, they shorten our breath, they paralyze us.  They keep us from becoming who we were meant to become.

We accept lies innocently enough at first, a rude comment or observation from a stranger.  Something that someone gossips about us, quiet whispering thoughts as lay our heads down at night to sleep, and occasionally, loud, clear voices from people we love.

The danger isn't in accepting the lie, it's in entertaining the lie.  The dangers lies in our reliving the lie, over and over.  We soon can think of nothing else, and strangely, in our minds, those lies become the truth.

But, what if we were to accept the good about ourselves as easily as we accept the bad.  What if we were to choose to believe what THE Father says about us, instead of what a scale, a mirror, or a hurtful person said?  What if we were to accept that while there is nothing good in ourselves alone, there is much good in us with Christ.

We are heirs to the throne and kingdom of God.

We are forgiven, we are set apart, we are made with purpose.

We have been given strength in exchange for our weakness, we are redeemed, made righteous.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

We are capable.

We are clean.

We are His.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of believing what the mirror tells me, I'm tired of believing the lies of the enemy, and I'm tired of believing what others say about me.  I'm ready to start believing that there IS good in me. I'm ready to start living in WHO I AM IN CHRIST instead of WHO THE ENEMY TELLS ME I'M NOT.

Imagine how powerful we'd be when we stop accepting and believing lies and we start seeing and believing that is within us.


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