These are a few of my favorite things...

Julie Andrews sang about all of her favorite things, so today I thought I'd share a few of my favorite things...

Being a mommy.

Seeing my little girl learn and grow.

Hearing my husband laugh.

Open windows and a cool breeze.

Sweet kisses from my little princess.

Sitting around mom and dad's kitchen table and laughing with my brothers.

The feeling I get when we walk hand in hand.

Good night cuddles.


Sitting on the beach and listening to the crash of the waves.

Falling asleep and waking up beside the love of my life.

Listening to my little one tell me bedtime stories, they always begin like "Unce a pond tine...".

Ice cold lemonade.

Talking to my mom on the phone for hours.

The feeling you get right after sneezing.

Whatsapp messages from friends back home.


Sensing the sweet spirit of God in the middle of a worship service.

A long, cool shower after a hot, humid day.

Brushing my teeth.

Hearing and watching Isabella giggle and play.

Facetiming my family.

Listening to my husband practice his sermons.

Sweet strawberries and powdered sugar (don't judge).

His arm around my shoulders.

Long naps.

My daddy's hugs.

The sound of a blowing fan lulling me to sleep.

Laughing until I can't breathe and my stomach hurts.

Long hugs.

I'd love to know...What are some of your favorite things?


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